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Dust mite covers can provide some relief for indoor breathing allergies. If you have breathing issues and have not tried using dust mite covers for your pillows and bed then I beseech you to please give them a try.
Your night time breathing difficulties may be made worse by dust mite droppings. Using the proper bedding just may improve help to improve the symptoms of your indoor allergies.
The proteins in dust mite droppings can be quite difficult on those who suffer from autoimmune disease or other sensitivities. Dust mites are one of the main causes of allergy symptoms in the home and are a common trigger for asthma flares. Every home has them and although they cannot be completely eliminated they can be controlled.
I suffer from chronic breathing difficulties and years ago was sent to a lung specialist who recommended that I use dust mite covers on my bed and pillow. I followed her advice and what a difference it has made in my life. Using dust mite covers has aided my breathing issues immensely.
The Bedroom Is The Room Most Often Affected By Dust Mites
Dust mites feed on our discarded skin shreds so they are most common in areas where we spend the majority of our time.
The spot in the home where we spend the largest percentage of our time is in our bed so this is where the majority of dust mites in the home are found.
It is estimated that there are about 2 million dust mites in a standard double size bed. If you have rugs in the home they will also be in high concentrations there.
Protect yourself from dust mites by:
Using dust mite covers on your bed. Enclose your mattress, pillows, and bedding.
Wash bedding on a regular basis and at least once a week.
If at all possible have bare floors in the home rather than carpets.
Vacuum rugs frequently.
Sweep and wash floors often.
Keep dust to a minimum throughout the home.
Keep a window open an inch summer and winter.
Use an air purifier in rooms that may have issues.
Protective Coverings Are Available In A Variety Of Materials
I have purchased both the cotton style dust mite covers for pillow and mattress as well as the plastic style and there is a definite difference in quality between the two.
* The cotton cloth dust mite covers are fabulous. They wear well, are washable, and I have not had one popped zipper, or any rips or tears in the fabric.
*The plastic dust mite covers ripped, puffed up, and popped. Their life expectancy was less than a year. The packages said they were guaranteed to last longer than the time they had but I was not about to pay to have them shipped back.
*The cloth dust mite pillow, mattress, and duvet bedding covers may seem initially more expensive than other dust mite bed protection but trust me that extra money is well worth the investment. The proof is in their usability and durability.
It Is The Protein In The Droppings That Cause Immune Issues
I Fitted Both Our Mattress And Pillows
What Is Lurking In Your Bed?
Dust mites are tiny but they are also very plentiful in most homes. The dust mites themselves may seem pretty harmless but it is the proteins in their droppings which cause problems for many people and especially those with a sensitive immune system, asthma, or auto-immune illness.
Dust mite droppings are one of the most common causes of in home allergy symptoms. The dust mite bed coverings effectively create a barrier that dust mites cannot penetrate. This is a barrier that can help prevent allergy and asthma attacks caused by dust mite droppings.
An allergic reaction to their droppings will produce asthma like symptoms causing excess mucous, sneezing, and congestion. These symptoms can cause other health issues to develop so it is much safer to deal with the underlying issue of these bugs to help in clearing up indoor air pollutants. Sleep safe.
Indoor Air Can Be Up To 5 Times More Polluted Than Outdoor
Symptoms Of An Allergy Caused By Indoor Allergens
Do you suspect that someone in your family suffers from an allergy that is originating in your home?
The symptoms of a dust mite allergy can include sneezing, coughing, lung congestion, runny nose, wheezing, breathing difficulty, itchy eyes, and shortness of breath.
These symptoms do not just occur while you are in bed but can remain with you throughout the day as well. Studies have found that indoor air is often up to 5X more polluted than outdoor air. Keeping a window slightly open can help to reduce indoor toxins levels.
Hi I'm Lorelei. Hope you enjoy your visit to my blog.