She Is Bringing With Her A Wealth Of New Family Traditions
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When you have an amazing new daughter in law you just naturally want to show that you are thrilled to have her as a member of your family.
Most parents want to welcome their new daughter in law into the family with open arms. They want their son to be happy in his union and for his new wife to feel a sense of belonging.
Entering into this new relationship it is hoped that she can quickly become a part of the family and as such enjoy all the new experiences, traditions, and benefits that are the basis of this unit. The good new is that there are more than a few ways to help her know how happy you are to welcome her into the family and to make this transition a little easier for her.
Be gracious, be complimentary, be accepting, and be sincere. You want your new daughter-in-law to be comfortable within your sons life, and also within yours, so allow time for this new relationship to fully develop.
After all this is a new family unit that is being created. The marriage consists of your son and daughter-in-law. Her and your sons relationship is a separate entity that is simply engaged with your own. You are a part of their relationship but you are also on the outer edges of it.
To truly become part of this new family unit you will also have to become accepting of its uniqueness from your own.
This Marriage Is A Union Of More Than Just Two
Blending Family Traditions is Important
Welcoming a new person into the family would seem like an easy task to accomplish but often old traditions and sentiments get in the way. These can push her to the outside of the family circle and cause her to feel that like she just does not fit into the group.
This is also unfortunately where things can go very wrong. To make a new daughter-in-law feel like you really care about her not only requires the support of everyone involved, but may even require the breaking away from some family traditions.
When a new person enters the family circle she brings with her all the past experiences, traditions, and knowledge that she has acquired within her family circle. Her religion, morality, child rearing ideals, and family values may be much different from those of her new family unit. Even the foods that she cooks will be unique and represent the cultural heritage that she has grown up with. To really truly welcome her into your family unit you must also welcome her traditions and habits as well.
A Guardian Angel To Watch Over Her
Relationships Are A Long Term Commitment
Families will blend together over time and the heritage and traditions of each side will find their place within the new family group. The key is to encourage your daughter-in-law to continue on in her family traditions and to compliment her on the things that are most important to her.
Statements like, "Well we don't do that around here" or "Well we always do it like this" will only make her feel alienated from the family. Be accepting of her ways and compliment her on them.
A little willingness to give on your part will make it much easier for her to also accept the new traditions that she is entering into. If you really want to make your new daughter-in-law feel welcome then accepting her for who she is, past traditions included, is very important.
Although some of her new concepts may seem much different than yours, be open minded to her way of doing things and she in turn will likely be more accepting of the traditions that exist within your family.
We Were Never So Blessed As The Day You Joined Our Family
Where Family Is Concerned The More The Merrier
Over time a family changes in many different ways. Adding a new baby into the mix or adding a new adult member through marriage are two very distinct ways that a family can increase in size. Both can be a wonderfully exciting new scenario and both also come with their own distinct issues and benefits.
Welcome your new daughter-in-law with open arms. Accept her for who she is and for all the wonderful new ideals and traditions that she will bring with her into your family. Welcoming a new daughter-in-law into the family should be a smooth transition. By being gracious, accepting, and complimentary toward your new daughter-in-law, it will be.
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