Fishing Tackle Box a Practical Gift Idea
Do You Have Someone You Need to Fish Out a Gift For?
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![]() If you have a friend who loves fishing and is patiently waiting for that perfect present to fall into his or her waiting net then this gift selection is for you.
A quality tackle box is a fishing accessory that every fisherman needs. For those who like to hit their favorite river, lake, or creek it is an indispensable piece of their recreational gear. A good tackle box will help keep tackle, hooks, lines, sinkers, and other gear organized, safe, and convenient for when it is needed. It can keep things simplified so all they have to do is grab their gear and head on down to the local pond for a relaxing day of fishing. If you know someone who loves fishing then you know that when he isn't working that fishing is the place where he wants to be. If his gift has the word FISH printed somewhere on the packaging then you know that his face is going to light up like the candles on the birthday cake of a hundred year old man. Yep, a pretty little fishy type gift is going to suit him just fine. It's an Essential Tool for the Game
![]() There are a wide variety of tackle box designs and the ideal choice in gear will depend on the how, when, and way that each person uses to venture into their fishing ventures.
In the boat you can pretty much have your choice of gear. Traditionally it has been a wicker creel or a sturdy steel box that has kept a fisherman's gear safe and secure. Today there are a variety of styles available to suit many personalities and needs. A soft sided tackle box will often fit into tight places where a rigid tackle box just won't go. A soft sided fishing box is great when you want to keep things compact and organized in a small amount of space. Back packing into a favorite fishing hole or standing on a bank to cast a line definitely requires a different type of gear. A backpack style tackle box or one that clips around the waist or tucks into a pocket will serve this trip's need. There is a Box to Suit Every Want Small or Large
Hiking into a great fishing hole one of the new tackle backpacks is ideal for this activity. For a smaller convenient take along style try a strap on tackle box. Yes, there are those too. This small style pack is ideal for fly fishermen who may not need a lot of tackle at hand's reach.
Who says you can't take it with you? The new design recreational tackle boxes say you can. There is a unique and distinct style to suit each and everyone of us. Keep it convenient, durable, and handy. You want a box that will keep your gear organized so you can find what you need when you need it. It's One of the Biggest Fish Stories Ever Told
![]() My mom used to say that if dad's fishing stories got any bigger she was going to have to get a second home to store them in. Yep, if the truth be told he reeled us right in with more than a few of his fishing tales.
Fortunately there are a few good fish stories that turn out to be true. The Mekong giant catfish is big fish tale just waiting to be told. This is one of the largest species of freshwater fish and holds the record for being the largest freshwater fish ever caught. A giant catfish weighing in at an astounding 646 pounds was netted by Thai fishermen. The pictures are here so go ahead and take a peek. Previous to this record setting fish it was a Sturgeon weighing in at 468 pounds that held the record as the largest freshwater fish to ever be caught. Going Out Carp Fishing Soon?
Carp definitely have developed a good fish - bad fish scenario about them. Sports fishermen love to fish out big old carp stocks but the new non-native Asian carp population is now one big bad problem for other local fish stocks.
The invasive Asian carp grow big and so fast that they eat other fish right out of their natural habitat. Although they are edible these fish are not good for a diversified fish population. The good news is that this invasive carp species can be enticed out of the water simply by a loud noise such as that made by a boat motor. This strange occurrence has brought out a number of amazing ways to hunt these fish and none of them involve a hook. All you really need to catch these bad boys is a net, so leave the rod, reel, and tackle box at home when out chasing them. You May Want to Wear a Helmet When Fishing for Asian Carp
Trout and Salmon are Popular Edible Fish Species
![]() Trout fishing for recreation or supper? Trout are a popular sport fish with rainbow, bull, and cutthroat being well recognized by the average fisherman. Dolly Varden are often classed in with trout but are actually a species of char.
These river trout are actually members of the salmon species but are generally classed as river fish rather than a migratory breed like salmon, and this despite the fact that trout often do travel into ocean waters. Salmon are an unusual fish in that they are born in fresh water, run to the ocean, then return once again to freshwater to spawn. They are one well traveled fish. Pink, coho, chinook, and sockeye, are the more common salmon species that you are likely to run into but you can also encounter steelhead and chum which are other edible salmon fish that serve up deliciously on the plate. Salmon range quite a bit in size with pink salmon being quite small in size compared to the large Chinook which can weigh in at 30 pounds or better. Chinook are one of the largest salmon species. Ode to the Woes of a Fisherman
![]() Got in the boat at the crack of dawn
And headed out onto that old pond. Tripped on my tackle box and out it all dumped Lying at the bottom of my boat in one big lump. So what could I do to make matters worse? I stand up and begin to curse Cause I stepped on a fish hook My favorite one of course. "Rats darn drat", I curse as I flip off my boot. Trying to save that hook from getting any more scrunched But gasp right about then the worm on my line gets munched. Battle of wills and battle of wits Writhing and wiggling me and that big old fish. With one bare foot and a big fisherman's grin I finally manage to flip him in. I win. But oh no and a huge fisherman's woe He hauls right off and latches onto my bare big toe. I scream. I howl. I cry big crocodile tears and whine. I caught a fish but he's the one who dined. A Few Tidbits of Information on the Fish That Folks Like to Fry
![]() Perhaps Mackerel may be coming to a lake near you. Mackerel are turning up in locations where they have never been spotted before. The mackerel is a cold water fish that is migrating in order to find its ideal habitat. They are indeed an adaptable fish and as water temperatures rise it seems that the mackerel will continue to move into new waters to find those appealing cooler waters.
Now for a little known but true fish fact. Did you know that the mackerel will sink if it stops swimming for even a minute? Yep, it is indeed true, the mackerel will sink like a rock if it stops so swim little fishy swim. Are you fishing for Perch? Perch generally range in size from 1 pound (.45kg) to 5 pounds (2.3kg) and are some mighty fine eating when you fry 'em up just right. Be forewarned though that perch are a fish which likes to swallow the hook so expect a bit of a battle when it comes to getting your fishing tackle back into your box again. Striped bass are a big fish prized for its plentiful meat. A bass can live up to 30 years of age and although the average one weighs in at around 30 to 40 pounds they can grow to a much larger weight than that. The largest recorded striped bass was 125 pounds and a whopping 6 foot 6 inches in length. Now that is one whole lot of fish to be able to pop into the old freezer. Perhaps you are searching for sardines? There are about twenty-one species of fish classed under the heading of sardine. These fish are under 6 inches (15 cm) in size and many are generally much smaller so don't expect to be using a hook to catch these little swimmers. Nets are used to scoop up these tiny fry. Remember to Play Safe Out There
![]() "I would believe he was fishing but he never brings home any fish."
*If you are camping overnight pack your food into the trunk of your vehicle. You want to catch dinner and not wind up being dinner. *Make sure your campfire is out. You might want to visit that camping spot again and it would really be a shame if some damn fool burned it up the last time he was out. Always wear your life jacket when you are out on the water. Your family wants you home again safe and sound. *Don't drink and drive and when out on the boat don't chug a lug. *Take your trash home with you. Plastic bags kill fish and wildlife and you want to have something out there alive and waiting for you to catch it on another outing. My husband catches his fish at the seafood department at our local supermarket so I don't have to worry about him but this is my advice to all you other die-hard outdoor enthusiasts. *It's a fish fact that the only thing that tastes better than a freshly caught fish smothered in butter and fried up in a cast iron frying pan over a hot campfire is a freshly caught fish fried up at home by the spouse. |
I'm Lorelei I hope you enjoy your visit to my blog
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