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Pass the chocolate please. It is little wonder that chocolate is the food most often gifted on Valentine's day. Chocolate is the ideal treat to create warm feelings of love and romance from your partner back to you.
What is not to love? When you consume this creamy sweet it releases feel good chemicals within the brain. They flood through the body creating an intense feeling of well being and pleasure. It's a chemical thing.
Fine dark chocolates in a delicate design, cherry chocolates, cashew or hazel nuts enclosed in rich dark chocolate, flower and heart shaped delicacies, or tiny bite sized cupid chocolates are all very delightful and each bringing with it a wonderful pleasurably sensation to savor.
There are hundreds of amazing gifts available in chocolate and each and every one of them is enchantingly sweet. Chocolate is indeed a food to gift on a day devoted to love?
Love And Affection Are The Theme For Valentine's Day
For Valentine's day gifts of cards, flowers, heart shaped boxes of chocolates, candy sweets, and cuddly teddy bears holding hearts that say, "I love you" are ideal. Valentine's Day is well recognized as the day for gifting sweet treats to the person who has captured your heart. On Valentine's day chocolate hearts, boxes of chocolates, and delightfully sweet foil wrapped delicacies are gifted to those you love.
Traditionally it is men who pay tribute to their lady fair on Valentine's day but the winds of change have passed a magic spell over this most romantic of days. Men are now also enjoying the sweet taste of chocolate roses that are being passed their way.
Valentine's Day chocolate has changed it's look to include gifts which better suit the taste of men. There are now chocolate Valentine's day gifts which are designed specifically for him as well. These special gifts given to represent affection, kindness, and love in the spirit of Saint Valentine's Day.
Delightfully Sweet Gifts Of Good Luck
An enchanting item to present to someone that you love is one of good luck. A guardian angel, four leaf clover, ladybug, wishbone, money tree, horseshoe, and wishing star are all traditional symbols of good luck.
This sentimental gift is designed to protect from harm and shows that you care enough to want to keep your loved one safe at all times.
There is something wonderfully magical in receiving a gift of good luck from a loved one. It makes a person feel safer just knowing that someone cares deeply enough to watch over your safe keeping.
Jewelry, notebooks, calendars, statues, trinket boxes, and hundreds of other useful accessories are available in a good luck theme. A delightful gift item filled with well wishes for the recipient.
Chase Away Bad Dreams With A Dream Catcher
It can be quite a sentimental gift. When a person gives a dream catcher to their love interest to help insure her a peaceful dream filled slumber this gift shows a sweet concern for your partner. Dream catchers come in a wide array of designs. Want to really step up your game? Attach a ring, bracelet, or necklace to the web and watch her eyes sparkle. Tangle gold or a diamond within the threads, that will most certainly get her attention.
Dream catchers can be quite an enchanting gift. They are a simple circle frame that is filled with a mesh webbing, and decorated with long flowing feathers, and beads. These charms insure that a sleeping person can only experience good dreams during their slumber.
Originally designed by the Ojibwa peoples to protect their children from nightmares, a dream catcher consisted of a willow tear or circle shape, netted inside with sinew just as a snowshoe would be. This net was then decorated with feathers, and other ornaments, and hung above the bed to catch the sleepers dreams.
Good dreams could filter through the web and slide down the feathers to enter the sleepers dreams. Nightmares or bad dreams could not filter through the net, and remained trapped within the web, thus insuring only good dreams for the person who owned the dream catcher. This traditional charm is now a popular theme for people of all ages.
A Day to Whisper I Love You Over And Over Again
Your Valentine's Day gift shouldn't have to break the bank. A Valentine’s day gift does not have to leave you counting your pennies for weeks after the holiday is over. Gifts can be wonderfully romantic while still being quite reasonable in price.
*A home cooked dinner with candles, wine, and you wearing nothing but an apron.
*A visit back to the spot where you first met.
*Take out coffee in the evening with a visit to a look out spot over looking your city's night lights.
*Order in pizza served with wine and candles. Atmosphere is everything. *A scavenger hunt that ends with the discovery of a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
There Are Many Ways To Celebrate
A single red rose, a bottle of wine and two glasses to share it, the key to your heart on a simple chain necklace, an aromatherapy candle, a book of gift certificates specifically designed for your loved one, or a framed photo of your special place can be very sentimentally sweet gift items.
There are many other items that won't break the bank as well. A valentine cake, a plate of homemade heart shape cookies, a good luck charm, a pair of goofy slippers, a teddy bear holding a small box of chocolates, the standard valentine heart chocolates, or a small bottle of cologne or perfume are all quite romantic yet inexpensive gifts.
Start The Day With A Smile
We generally send the traditional Valentine's cards off to school with our children but it is nice to include them a bit more at home too. It is important for kids to know how special this day of love is too.
Heart shaped food or a chocolate fondue are ideal family treats for this special day. Kids need to celebrate as much as we do so be sure to include them into your plans too.
A special dinner, a small gift, and a great big hug that says, "I love you". You can host a kid's fiesta before you head off on your couple date for two.
I'm Lorelei I hope you enjoy your visit to my blog