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Could a love potion be the solution to your dating woes? Studies show that there are specific natural scents which can be used to attract a man just as there are similarly distinctive scents which can be used to attract a woman.
This indicating that a love potion could potentially be used to cast a spell over that special someone you may be searching for.
If specific scents and compositions increase an individuals sexual attractiveness to members of a specific sex perhaps love does involve more than simple enchantment. It is a discovery that does carry some exciting prospects within it both for the perfume industry and for those with a lonely heart.
Take A Sniff Around The Nose Knows What It Wants To Be Near
According to research studies done by Chicago neurologist Alan Hirsch Ph.D., both men and women find the scent of specific foods very sensually attractive. So if you are planning on casting a love spell on someone perhaps digging into your kitchen cupboard could net you a natural love potion strong enough to lure in that dream lover.
Hirsch's research found that men's penile blood flow increased by up to forty percent when men were exposed to the scent of cinnamon buns, chocolate, vanilla, peppermint, roast meat, or cheese pizza. Well isn't that just yummy stuff?
Dr Hirsch also discovered that the men's fragrances which were most likely to increase a woman's vaginal blood flow were natural fresh scents. Strong cologne scents actually served to decrease a woman's sexual response. The scents which women found the most sensually attractive were light fragrances such as baby powder, ocean breeze, chocolate, and kiwi. The most sexual stimulating scent to women was the smell of a man's sweat combined with a fresh fruity scent.
A simple love potion can be created from scents that we are attracted to and these used as a means of drawing us to one another. According to Dr. Hirsch your kitchen may be the perfect place to fix yourself up an elixir to attract a mate to your side. With that notion in mind which natural scent would you prefer?
Studies show that women are attracted to light fruity scents with kiwi ranking high so men spritz up. While women are repelled by heavy perfume scents on a man they are very attracted to the scent of a man's own skin and even more so when his sweat combines with a fresh fruity scent.
As for ladies, splash yourself in chocolate to attract a man to your side. Men are attracted to food scents and chocolate ranks up there as one of the most stimulating scents to attract his attention. Ladies if you are searching for a natural food scented love potion sprinkle on the vanilla, peppermint, or cinnamon. In keeping with man's quest for food men are attracted to the luxurious scents of baking, pizza, and roast beef so you could also possibly lure him into your home by simply baking him a cake.
Which Food Fragrances Do You Find Most Appealing?
Studies Indicate That We Are Indeed Attracted To Specific Scents
There are a number of ways that creatures send out signals to members of the opposite sex to let them know that they are interested in mating.
Our body language is one way that we let others know we would be open to initiating a relationship with them. We make eye contact, smile, and sometimes flirt a little.
It turns out that subconsciously other factors may also be at play. An area that is receiving a great deal of research as of late are pheromones. A pheromone is a chemical which creatures emit to send a message to members of their same species. This chemical message can be a warning of danger or a marking of territorial boundaries.
Pheromones can also be used as an invitation to a homing area, or to let others know the directions to an abundant food source such as an ant will lay out a pathway for other ants to follow. They are also used to send out sexual messages to other members of their species. Insects such as the coddle moth use this chemical message to let potential mates know they are ready to mate. Bugs use it, animals use it, so why wouldn't humans use pheromones too? Well it turns out that we do.
Using Pheromones To Keep Coddle Moths From Mating
It's Not Only Bugs That Use Pheromones
Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals which are emitted by creatures who attempt to send messages to others within their species. So do humans use this process to attract love interests in their direction?
Unlike perfume the message sent out through the use of pheromones is odorless. It is believed to be received by a small gland in the nose known as a VNO. When the VNO receives a pheromone signal it sends a message to the brain that stimulates the body and creates a subconscious increase in sexual desire or so the theory goes.
People who naturally send out more pheromones or who wear the designed solution find that members of the opposite sex look and smile at them more often. The use of pheromones seem to attract sexual attention that would not otherwise occur.
It is a discovery that is giving the perfume industry an amazing new product, a modern day love spell with a chance to make dreams come true for millions of lonely people. Although more research is needed to confirm the validity of these potions numerous sexual pheromone products are emerging for sale to consumers.
A Modern Version Of An Ancient Love Potion?
Obviously there are quite a few single people still out there trying to find love and having a tough time at it.
What isn't a fact yet is if humans are capable of using pheromones to attract a partner. If you are a single man and wondering how to attract women or in the reverse if you are a woman wondering how to attract men then it is a question you may want to see resolved.
The scientific community is still out on the issue and believe that many of the positive testimonies thus far could simply be false positives. These could occur because the person wearing the pheromone displays a more confident attitude in their search for love.
Confidence is appealing and could influence how assertively the person is in their encounters with potential mates thereby increasing their likelihood of romantic success. So in conclusion of that theory one would only need a positive confident attitude and be persistent in their search for love in order to acquire potential mates. This is indeed a logical thought. Why we find someone attractive can involve many factors.
The other question in the equation though would be why humans would not have access to pheromones. Other animals use them and we fall into the classification of an animal type creature so it would seem logical that we could also have the ability to send out these chemical type messages to one another.
So should you douse yourself in pheromones or in the smell of freshly baked goods such as chocolate, kiwi, vanilla, or cinnamon? Your answer to that question is as good as mine. Now don't be chicken, get the heck out there and find somebody to fall in love with you.
I'm Lorelei. I hope you enjoy your visit to my blog