Most of us have received a present we wished we hadn't and tucking it right back into its wrapping paper is never an option. A bad gift can be very disappointing. A mistake made while gifting isn't always easily forgiven.
Sometimes these errors in judgement are unintentional while at other times we know we are pushing the boundaries a bit but do it anyway. Unfortunately that glaringly obvious mistake is there the moment the parcel is unwrapped. No amount of pretty wrapping paper can make these gifts okay.
This year make sure that one of these disastrous gifts doesn't come from you with this list of the 10 worst gifting mistakes that people unintentionally make. It can help to insure that the items you pass to family, friends, and business associates don't reserve you a spot on Santa's naughty list.
The 1st Gifting Error Is Gifting An Unwanted Item
1) There is nothing worse than receiving an item that is just not wanted. Take the time to discover the interests and hobbies of the person who you are buying for and then use these to select a suitable item for them. They will appreciate the additional thought you put into the selection process. Guys never purchase your wife a weekend get-a-way to a local fishing lodge if she would rather be at the theater and ladies don't buy your husband tickets to the opera or pick him up a laundry hamper for his birthday or Christmas unless that is really what his heart most desires.
Never purchase a gift item because you want and presume the other person will want too. The present you are gifting should be something that the other person will enjoy so don't purchase them an item that you would choose for yourself. The people you are buying for have their own unique likes, dislikes, hobbies, and interests. Use these traits to help you in the selection of their gift.
The #2 Rule Of Gift Etiquette: Never Give A Defective Item
2) It doesn't matter that you have lost your receipt, do not have any other gift to offer, or really do not like the person that you are gifting to. If it smells funny, is harder than a rock when it should be soft, or rattles when it shouldn't then do not give it to anyone on your gift list.
Never select an item simply because it has a super sale price sticker on it and never ever gift an item that has passed its expiration date or is potentially defective. When all the facts are measured up some bargains really are not much of a deal. Shop responsibly.
A nice card is far better to receive than a defective or possibly poisonous gift. Giving this type of offering is going to make you look bad so just cut your losses and throw that item away.
#3 Is To Improperly Wrap A Parcel For Postal Delivery
3) A broken vase, crushed chocolates, or water stained clothing item is a terrible gift to receive. Make sure that your gift gets to the recipient in the same condition it was in when you purchased it. If your present will be traveling a long distance be sure to wrap it so that it gets there safe. Use bubble wrap, buoyant box filler, and a sturdy box to pack it in.
It is a waste of your time and money if you don't wrap it up right and that perfectly selected gift gets damaged. It is also terribly disappointing for the recipient to receive that defective gift.
#4 Gifting Out In Anger Or Spite Is Just Mean - Don't Do It!
4) One of the rudest gift giving mistakes that a person can make is allowing spite to over take your good nature. Gifting is supposed to be a nice thing. Never give a present as an act of revenge.
It is just plain rude to be so shallow and small as to intentionally purchase a bad item for someone. A bar of soap, a jug of mouthwash, or giving Ford seat covers to a die hard Chevy owner just does not work.
Even if the name you pulled for the office Christmas party is the worst bully at the office have some class and purchase them a gift that you would be proud to receive. Be nice.
#5th Worst Etiquette Mistake Is A Present Given In Poor Taste
5) Speaking of rudeness one of the absolutely worst etiqette mistakes that a person can make is to purchase a nasty, derogatory, or racist item for someone. No rubber dolls, edible underwear, massage aides, or live sheep tied up on the lawn please. Have a little class. It doesn't matter if Uncle Henry really does want one of those gifts. Don't do it. Very private or x-rated items should never be given where they may be opened in the company of others.
Never give an item that comes with a heavy hint that the receiver should lose some weight. Most people are well aware of the extra pounds sitting on their tummy or tush. They don't need or want a reminder so don't do it. It is beyond rude to hint that someone should be losing a few pounds.
Re-gifting an item that you have previously received? Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to re-gift just insure that all previous tags are removed and you know for a fact that the person you are gifting to is not the same one who gave the item to you.
The 6th Worst Gift Giving Faux Pas Is "Age Inappropriate Gifts"
6) The sixth worst gift giving mistake are gifts which unintentionally hurt the person's feelings. Make sure that your gift is age appropriate for the person who you are buying for to avoid offending them.
Toddlers don't need a stereo or computer for their gift. Many people like to believe their kids are extra talented but it is always better NOT TO gift beyond a child's skill level as these items can be highly frustrating to the child who receives it. Most games are age rated so check out these ratings before you gift to a young child.
As kids age this theory works in the opposite direction. Kids generally want to be perceived as being older than they really are so don't purchase toy trucks or barbie dolls for a teenager unless he or she collects them. These gifts will only hurt their feelings.
The elderly do not need to be reminded that they are nearing the end of their term so absolutely no coffin gags or books on funeral planning. Do keep in mind that older seniors often have mobility issues so when purchasing a gift for them choose selectively. Getting in and out of a bathtub may be difficult for older seniors so many shower or chair wash instead. This means that a gift of bubble bath or bath beads may be inappropriate but a gift basket of decorative hand soaps and lotions would be more appropriate.
7th Worst Bad Gift Scenario: Purchasing The Wrong Size
7) Make sure that the clothing you purchase is the right type, size, or style. Your wife may have put on a little extra weight but if she is a size 16 and you buy her a size 22 dress then you are very likely going to get hit with something very heavy.
There really is nothing worse than receiving clothing that you cannot use or do not want. Clothing for adults is a very personal choice and should generally be left to be purchased by the person who will be wearing it. If you do not know the person's correct size or taste in clothing then purchase them a gift card instead.
When it comes to Christmas clothing purchases avoid purchasing an "Ugly Sweater" gift for anyone other than yourself. Christmas is well known for its beautiful twinkling holiday lights but when those lights are attached to what you are wearing it is sometimes not a good combination. Other highly unfashionable sweaters too avoid are those with big fancy buckles or bows. Yikes.
8th Worst Holiday Mistake: Gifting Housewares To Your Spouse
8) Unless your wife specifically requests a household appliance do not ever gift her items that are used to do household chores. Oh you must have known that this one would make the list. More husbands wind up in the dog house each year because they make this fatal error.
This means do not give her a new broom, frying pan, toaster, vacuum, washing machine, or electric kettle. If yours has worn out then just trot yourself down to the local hardware store and purchase one to replace it that very day. Don't treat these household items in any way, shape, or form as a gift to her. Head over to your local spa and pick her up a gift card to show her exactly how much you appreciate how hard she works for you. Wrap that up for her instead.
The 9th Most Horrifying Gift Is One That Causes Health Issues
9) Keep health issues in mind when you select gifts or you could indeed commit one a very frightening scenario for the recipient. Perfume or scented candles for someone with asthma, a bike for a child confined to a wheelchair, or cookies for someone with a gluten intolerance is beyond inconsiderate gifting yet it happens all the time.
You never want to offend someone by purchasing them something that is going to send them on a trip to the local emergency room. Be aware of any health issues of those who you are gifting to. If unsure check with friends and relatives to be sure your gift is appropriate before you purchase it.
The 10th Gift Giving Error Is One That Is Unforgivable
10) The absolutely worst gift giving mistake is one so avoidable that it is a question as to why it even occurs at all. It is the gift that is not given. There is nothing sadder than not receiving a gift when you expect one.
No child should be without a birthday present or one set under the Christmas tree for them. No senior should ever not have a birthday gift to open and no wife should ever have her anniversary go by unnoticed. The absolutely top holiday mistake which you can make is to not give a gift to someone who should receive one.
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